Cumulus Clouds Face Cream with Jeesperse ICE-T LB-T-NS
Formulation provided by the manufacturer. This makes a super light and airy face cream and leaves a non-greasy soft feel.
Phase A
85.0% Distilled Water
2.5% Glycerine
7.0% Jeesperse ICE-T-LB-T-NS
Phase B
0.5% Shea Butter (will need to be melted)
2.5% oil of choice or Neossance Squalane
1.0% Neossance Hemisqualane
Phase C
0.5% Liquid Germall Plus
1.0% Fragrance
- In main container, add Phase A ingredients one at a time, mixing until homogeneous. We found an immersion blender worked well for this.
- Pre-mix Phase B ingredients, heating to 30-35C so shea butter will melt and let cool to to 20-25C
- Add Phase B to Phase A and mix until homogeneous.
- Add Phase C ingredients to Phase A/B one at a time, mixing until homogeneous.
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